
Creating your own blog is an exciting and impelling task. You may do it as a hobby or part time. Blogger is a blogging software for one or several users.Google hosts it at the subdomain It has a user-friendly way of showcasing an individual's own creative ideas, personal matters or anything one desires to convey.
Note: Make sure you signed up for a Google account. Create a Google account or use your google account.

1. Go to "" sign in.
2. On the Blogger Dashboard, Click on "New Blog" button.

3. The Create a Blog dialog box will appear. Think of a title and address for your blog. Make sure to choose unique ones. Click "Create blog" button.
4. Click the orange "Pencil" button. Now you're ready to create new posts.
5. You can publish the post immediately by clicking the "Publish" button or Save it as a draft at first by clicking the "Save button"